What it's all about...

I've heard it said that the importance of life lies not in the destination, but in the journey you must take to reach it. But I have a different idea, an idea that was given to me by a very wise woman. The essence of the idea is that the importance of life lies not in the destination, nor the journey, but in the very heart of the traveler.
My destination is both known and unknown.
My journey is here and now, yesterday, and forever.
And this is where you can see inside the heart of the traveler.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

In the Beginning...

I was born.

That's just a tad too far back, though, don't you think? We'd literally be here forever if I started there. So... let's just fast forward a tiny bit, shall we?

I am moving to Scotland. That's much better.
Now, one does not simply move to Scotland. One must be involved in a lengthy process that consists of too much paperwork and not enough money. Why must everything cost money? Can't I trade something? I've got a nice set of odd paintings I'd be willing to trade for the easy ability to move to Scotland. Anyone? Bueller?
No? Well fine. I guess I'll do things the "normal" way. Is anything ever normal?
Let's not get into that just now.

Well, when all else fails, talk about emotions.

I have mixed emotions about this big move. On the one hand, I'll miss my family and friends and the warm Oregon summers that are actually one of my favourite reasons to be alive, but on the other hand, nothing beckons me quite like this future in Scotland. It is exciting, it is new and somehow ancient, and it is mine like nothing before has ever been. Do you get that? Have you ever had that feeling that you belong somewhere - that you were made for that place and that place was made for you? That is how I feel. That is the exactness of it! My oh my, it just makes me want to jump right out of my skin!
And it's not just the actual country of Scotland that electrifies me so... it's the role I'll get to play once there. It's not set in stone yet, and it will most likely be ever-changing, but it is mine. I'll be encouraged to do what I love and I'll be encouraged to grow and stretch and change and it will be simply glorious.

What do I love?
I love:
1) People
2) Teaching
3) The idea and practice of discipleship
4) Unity
5) Music

That's not really in any specific order... maybe. Maybe it is? I don't know. Um, and God is definitely before all of those things - but that is so cliché it actually pained me to write it. Basically, when I talk about the things I love, I'm viewing them, and life, really, through Christ-colored glasses. Or, at least, I'm trying to.

So! I guess we could explore how I can do what I love in Scotland. I wouldn't want you to get bored, though, and this is getting pretty long-winded. I'll be brief.

1) People. I can be around people - new people, old people, young people, elderly people awesome people, infuriating people - when I'm in Scotland. I realise that I can do that anywhere in the world, but it matters that I can do that in Scotland, too! I'll be living at a base near Glasgow with other people. Families and singles. Amazing people from all over the place. Under one roof. What a gold-mine of experience and stories and uniqueness and potentially marvelous relationships - minus the word "potentially"! It just makes me excited to meet and love new people.

2) Teaching. I love to teach and I love to be taught. I'll most likely have an opportunity to do both of these as a member of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) staff. Actually, it'll probably be required of me at some point or another! There's little in this world that thrills me more than being part of that light that comes to someone's eyes when they fully grasp the significance of something they've been taught. It's something I seek!

3) The idea and practice of discipleship. I'll be surrounded by people who live to disciple others and I will, Lord willing, be able to disciple as well. Discipleship Training School (DTS) is the name of the game, and I can help coach! Yay!

4) Unity. The world is far too taken with individualism and disunity. You do things your way, I'll do them mine. Don't work together, because that's jumping on the bandwagon and following the crowd. Why? Who came up with this? It's utter ridiculousness. I want to combat this with everything I can! Now, I'm not saying that it's bad to be unique and no one should ever be different than everyone else, but there is such strength in numbers, and I'm interested in the idea of pulling from everyone's unique, God-given strengths to make a stronger unit that can work better and more efficiently toward a shared goal. That is my passion.

5) Music. Yes, music is important enough to me to land on my list of five things. If you're ever in the mood to be surrounded by extremely talented, musical human beings the YWAM base in Paisley is really the place you should go. Well, either there or Juilliard. But I'd pick the Paisley base over Juilliard any day! Unless that day was a day after I live in the Paisley base... then I might pick Juilliard. But only for a visit!

So, there you go. There's a tiny bit of information about the next phase in my life and why I'm going there and how I feel about it.

So here's the beginning of my journey.

Will you go it with me?

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